Thematic Interests and Regional Focus
I am interested in the complexly interwoven social, ecological, economic and political transformations in the Global South, environmental anthropology, inequality, landrights, natural resource management, political ecology, gender and the emerging field of an anthropology of the future.
Southeast Asia, Indonesia, Borneo
Courses and Seminars (Selection)
WS 2021/22 Hoping, Aspiring and Being Stuck: An Introduction to the Anthropology of the Future
WS 2021/22 Master Course: Frontiers as Object of Anthropological Research
SoSe 2021 Empirical Application of Anthropologcial Research Methods
WS 20/21 Empirical Application of Anthropologcial Research Methods
WS 2019/20 The Societal Relevance of Anthropology
WS 2019/20 The Political Ecology of Palm Oil
SoSe 2019. Empirical Application of Anthropologcial Research Methods
SoSe 2018. Empirical Application of Anthropologcial Research Methods
SoSe 2018: Master Course: Participatory Methods
WS 2017/18: Introduction to the Anthropology of Development: Anthropology, Development and Development Cooperation
WS 2017/18: Gender & Economic and Ecological Change
Courses and Seminars (Complete)
2021 Curing a Brain Tumor with High Tech Operations and the Help of Spirits: The Appropriation of Biomedicine among the Dayak Benuaq, Moussons 38, S.167-191
2020 Framing the Future through the Lens of Hope: Environmental Change, Diverse Hopes and the Challenge of Engagement. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie ZfE/JSCA 145, S. 71–92
2020 (zusammen mit Kristina Großmann und Timo Kaartinen) Introduction: Frontier Temporalities: Exploring Processes of Frontierisation, Defrontierisation and Refrontierisation in Indonesia and Africa, Paideuma 66, pp. 171-182
2018 Claiming Rights to the Forest in East Kalimantan: Challenging Power and Presenting Culture. SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 33(2), pp. 341-361
2018 (zusammen mit Sara de Wit und Arno Pascht) Translating Climate Change: Anthropology and the Travelling Idea of Climate Change. Introduction to the Special Issue. Sociologus 68 (1), pp. 1-20.
2018 (zusammen mit Kristina Großmann) Gender and Environmental Change: Recent Debates and New Perspectives in Anthropological Research. Introduction to the Special Focus: Gender and Environmental Change. Antropologia 5(1), pp. 7-21.
2018 Eine Zukunft ohne Wald? Indigene Perspektiven auf Umweltveränderungen, Waldverlust und Entwicklung in Kalimantan. Geogrphische Rundschau, 4/2018, pp. 32-38.
2017 Men, Women and Environmental Change: The Gendered Face of Development in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (ASEAS), pp. 29-46.
2017 (zusammen mit Martin Rössler und Anna-Teresa Grumblies) Introduction: Contesting and Reformulating Power Relations in Indonesia`s Outer Islands. In: Michaela Haug, Martin Rössler and Anna-Teresa Grumblies (eds). Rethinking Power Relations in Indonesia: Transforming the Margins. London [u.a.]: Routledge, pp. 1-25.
2017 Rich Regency – Prosperous People? Decentralisation, Marginality and Remoteness in East Kalimantan. In Michaela Haug, Martin Rössler and Anna-Teresa Grumblies (eds). Rethinking Power Relations in Indonesia: Transforming the Margins. London [u.a.]: Routledge, pp. 132-149.
2017 (together with Martin Rössler and Anna-Teresa Grumblies) Concluding Remarks. In Michaela Haug, Martin Rössler and Anna-Teresa Grumblies (eds). Rethinking Power Relations in Indonesia: Transforming the Margins. London [u.a.]: Routledge, pp. 150-159.
2017 (zusammen mit Cathrin Arenz, Stefan Seitz und Oliver Venz). Introduction: Dayak Societies in Transition - Balancing Continuity and Change. In Cathrin Arenz, Michaela Haug, Stefan Seitz und Oliver Venz (eds). Continuity under Change in Dayak Societies. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp.13-43.
2014. Resistance, Ritual Purification and Mediation: Tracing a Dayak Community's Sixteen- Year Search for Justice in East Kalimantan. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 15(4), pp. 357-375.
2014. Disputed Normativities and the Logging Boom in Kutai Barat: Local Dynamics During the Initial Phase of Regional Autonomy in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Paideuma 60, pp. 89-113.
2014 (zusammen mit Deasy Simandjuntak). Doing Anthropological Fieldwork with Southeast Asian Characteristics? Identity and Adaptation in the Field. In: Mikko Huotari, Jürgen Rüland und Judith Schlehe (Hrsg). Methodology and Research Practice in Southeast Asian Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 67-90.
2014. What Makes a Good Life? Emic Concepts of ‘Wellbeing’ and ‘Illbeing’ among the Dayak Benuaq in East-Kalimantan, Indonesia. In: Thomas Stodulka and Birgitt Röttger-Rössler (eds). Feelings at the Margins: Dealing with Violence, Stigma and Isolation in Indonesia. Frankfurt and New York: Campus, pp. 30-52.
2012 (zusammen mit Cathrin Bullinger). In and Out of the Forest: Decentralisation and Recentralisation of Forest Governance in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. ASEAS – Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies (5)2, pp. 243-262.
Vollständige Publikationsliste (01/2022)