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Summer School Chiang Mai 2025

Topic:  "Chinese Infrastructures and Common Visions of Wealth"

This year’s summer school, titled "Chinese Infrastructures and Common Visions of Wealth", will be held at Chiang Mai University in Thailand, from early to mid-August. It is organized by the institute's Chair in the Anthropology of Globalization in collaboration with the China-Southeast Asia Studies Center at Chiang Mai University.

The summer school will bring together selected Master’s and PhD students from both Cologne and Chiang Mai Universities for a week of lectures, seminars, and a two-day excursion to the border region of Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand.

Preparation | Summer Term 2025

If you are interested in attending the summer school, please register in KLIPS for the course:

We will organize a preparatory meeting for potential participants in April 2025.

Ohter relevant courses offered in summer 2025 at our Department include "Alternative Economies: Wealth Beyond Money" (BA AM3/4 MA EM4ab).

From from early to mid-August 2025 | Summer School in Chiang Mai, Thailand

The school will be held at Chiang Mai University in Thailand for a week of lectures, seminars, and a two-day excursion to the border region of Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand.

Possiblity of Doing Field Research | Extending the Stay

Participation in this Summer School include  a week of lectures, seminars, and a two-day excursion to the border region of Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand.

Please contact Prof. Brandtstädter to find out whether an extension is possible to conduct field research and collect ethnographic data for a Master's thesis

Costs and Funding

We will apply for funding through the Cologne Summer Schools. The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology will also contribute to the costs. We hope that this will at least enable us to provide funding for the flights.

Participants will probably have to cover at least the costs for food and transportation on-site as well as visa fees. Please note that it will be the student's responsibility to take out adequate travel health insurance.

Further information on preparation will be given during the preparatory meeting in the summer semester 2025.