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Current Fieldwork Practice

Summer Terms 2025 and 2026 | Tandem Research Training under the Umbrella Topic of "Alternative Food- and Agri-Cultures" - Yogyakarta, Freiburg / Cologne

Dear students of social and cultural anthropology in Cologne,

In the summer semesters of 2025 and 2026, the tandem research training will take place under the umbrella topic of ‘Alternative Food- and Agri-Cultures’, organised by Prof. Dr. Michaela Haug, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Freiburg.

Prof. Michaela Haug would like to draw your attention to this Tandem Research Training Programme and warmly invites you to participate.

Further information about the tandem research training (procedure, application process and recognition options, etc.) will be provided at an online information event on 5 February 2025 at 12:00 p.m. s.t.

Since 2004, students from the University of Freiburg and the Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta have continuously conducted joint research trainings in annual alternation in Germany and Indonesia.

This year, for the first time, the tandem is taking place in collaboration with the University of Cologne. Through joint research-based learning, the participating students acquire intercultural methodological skills and gain valuable experience with inclusive processes of knowledge acquisition, which are of central importance for reciprocal and decolonial teaching and research practice.

Insights into previous tandem research trainings can be found here:


In the summer semesters of 2025 and 2026, the tandem research training will take place under the umbrella topic of ‘Alternative Food- and Agri-Cultures’. In small groups, the participants will investigate alternative ways of producing, distributing, acquiring and consuming food, initially in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (August 2025) and a year later (in the summer of 2026) in Freiburg and/or Cologne.

The tandem research training in the summer term of 2025 consists of the following courses:

1. The Seminar ‘Alternative Foodways’ builds a thematic introduction (hybrid)

2. A Tutorial supports the methodological-practical preparation of the tandem participants (online)

3. Tandem Research Training (on site in Indonesia): carried out in small groups in the period from 1-31 August 2025 in Yogyakarta

In the winter term 2025/26 there will be the opportunity to take part in a follow-up seminar; in the summer term 2026 there will be the opportunity to conduct the tandem teaching research with partners from Indonesia in Freiburg and/or Cologne.


The tandem research training is primarily aimed at students who have already gained initial experience in the application of empirical methods (i.e. BA students who have already taken part in the methods seminar in BM2) and MA students.

The tandem is funded by the Cologne research initiative ‘Sharing a Planet in Peril’. This means that visa costs are covered in full and flight costs are covered to a large extent. Participants are responsible for their living expenses in Indonesia.
